Set Those New Years Resolution Now
New Year, New Me, yes, no, maybe, WTF? At a time when we most need encouragement, support, goals, dreams, visions, hope and the certainty that goes with routine, a plethora of self-help books have encouraged us not to make new year resolutions. The reason? We might...
The Renaissance is all around. Are you ready?
Today is the Spring Equinox. Around the world the hours of daylight and night are equal. It is a clear indication that the sun is moving south and summer with it. It is a time of change, optimism, growth and renewal. It is also time to move to Level One. The Corona...
Why Today’s Leaders Need to Understand the Importance of Ambiguity
“I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is I know nothing” Socrates OK so here we are. All of us. In it together yet miles apart. A global village self-isolated in our living-rooms. The wings that pulsed the globe’s veins – grounded. Confusion...
If you need to restructure do it properly
We only realise the importance of being able to work when we no longer have a job. Work is important. Never forget that. Work provides us with far more than just financial security. It gives us purpose and meaning. If done well it gives us a sense of achievement and a...
Top tips on managing staff working remotely
Well this is new. My staff are scattered all over the paddock as I slide my bowl of porridge aside making place for my laptop. Here we go, google – “How to manage your team while working remotely?”. Not only is this new, but it is here to stay (for the foreseeable...
Communication is the lifeblood of your Organisation
Communication creates Communities Communication is the life-force of efficient and effective social groupings. Where it flows, we thrive. Where it dries up, we wither. It’s that simple. From family and friends, through sports teams and orchestras, to businesses and...
Reset your Compass
None of us, not one single one, ZERO, have been here before. Ever. We’re making it up as we go, and that’s fine. Admit it and you’ll feel a whole heap better. There is too much information, too many moving parts, too little certainty, and too much ambiguity. To make...
Trust, trust, trust me on this – HOPE is the single most critical component for a content and fulfilled life.HOPE is the yeast in our daily bread.HOPE is our innate ability to trump despair with drive, doubt with belief, apathy with conviction, disinterest with...
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The Coach House, Avondale Estate, Lustigan Road, Paarl
+27 (0)87 094 8090